Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Binocular lens coatings

!9# Binocular lens coatings

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Binocular lens anti-reflective coatings are often less understood, but one of the most important in relation to the quality of the binoculars. Lens coating to determine how well you're going to see your photos, the clarity of colors, resolution and contrast.


Recognize that there are a number of internal glass surfaces binoculars. As the light passes through the front of the lens, it travels through the binoculars. Howaffects each set of coated glass surfaces around 5 percent is reflected (lost). Assuming groups of ten internal glass surfaces, the same time reflecting the loss of 5 percent each for a total of 50 percent of the loss of light as the image reaches the lens back. The result is a cloudy, hazy, blurred image.

Anti-reflective lens coatings allow a higher percentage of light passing through each row of glass surfaces. Instead of the loss of 5 percent, can be coated lens to reduce imageless than 1 percent. A smaller percentage of the light is reflected to the eye and a larger amount later. At best, high quality binoculars for over 95 percent of light reaches the lens of the eyes and the eyes. The result is a crisp, clear images and bright.

Types of lens coating.

Binocular lens anti-reflective coatings are classified into one of four categories.

Objective 1 covered. (C) a single coating contains at least one group of extensionsA series of glass surfaces. The first set of lenses and the last are well covered, but the rest of the sentence is not likely to:

Example: ____ | | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | |

Note: In general, coated lenses covered only the first and last goal of the binoculars. The slow first and last are the ones who can (the lens front and the back of the lens of the eye).

2 Fully coated lens. (MC) contains a single layer on all series of the inner row of glass surfaces. Each setreceive a unique coating of the lens:

Example: ____ | | ____ | | ____ | | ____ | | ____ | | ____ | |

3 Multi-Coated Lens. (FC) contains more coatings on at least one set of the series of interior glass surfaces. Often the first and last lenses are multi-layer, while the remaining lenses can be coated individually:

Example: ____ | | | | ____ | | ____ | | ____ | | ____ | | ____ | | | |

4 Fully Multi-Coated Lens. (FMC) Provides multiple coatings on all glass inner row setSurfaces. Each set of lenses are fully multi-coated:

Example: ____ | | | | ____ | | | | ____ | | | | ____ | | | | ____ | | | | ____ | | | |

As we demonstrated with our four categories, which are higher-level models Fully Multi-Coated, compared to the other three categories.

The coating process.

Lens coating is a process in which certain chemicals (such as metallic, silver or aluminum) are physically applied to the glass lenses of the binoculars to allow light to pass through, and notresist. Generally, the coating can reduce reflection of light from 5 percent for the untreated glass of 1 percent for a lens coated. Commonly used multi-layered magnesium fluoride or calcium fluoride to further reduce reflection. Each glass is usually 3 to 5 times removed (and sometimes upwards of 10 times), a situation that has reached almost 100 percent of light to create the eyes.

Closing a summary.

Listen carefully to the seller, or understand what you read, if youIt is located on the lens coating. The type of lens coatings go a long way toward determining the quality of the image we see.

or Fully multi-coated lens provides the best image quality.
or Multi-Coated Lens is one step below the best, but they continue to produce high quality images.
Fully coated lenses for good or images that are acceptable for most users.
or coated lens is usually found in most cheap binoculars.

Binocular lens coatings

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