Monday, December 5, 2011

A Short Review of the Canon 10x30 IS Binoculars

!9#: A Short Review of the Canon 10x30 IS Binoculars

One of the best things about observing wildlife from a distance is that you get to see everything the animal does without it even being aware of your presents. You can learn a lot about the animal you are observing by doing this, but there is usually one small problem.

If you are using regular binoculars to view wildlife through, and you don't have a tripod setup, then the image tends to be a bit shaky and this can be very annoying and you may not be able to observe very well. This is where the Canon 10x30 IS binoculars can be a big help.

The Canon IS binoculars, or Image Stabilized binoculars, use a new technology to basically eliminate shaking that is caused by natural movement in your hands. I won't get into how it works in this article, but if you do any activates like bird watching or stargazing, these binoculars will help eliminate almost all the shaking that is caused by your hands leaving you with a crystal clear image.

Now in case you are wondering, the 10x30 means you get a 10 times magnification so anything you are looking at is going to be 10 times closer than if you where looking at it with your naked eye, and the 30 means that there is a 30 millimeter diameter across each lens which means you have a wider view compared to say a 25 millimeter lens.

To activate the image stabilization on the Canon 10x30 IS binoculars all you have to do is push and hold down the button on top of the binoculars. Letting go of the button turns the stabilization off and still allows you to view through the binoculars just like any regular binoculars. This pair of IS binoculars uses 2 AA batteries that usually last about 20 hours with the image stability on.

The Canon 10x30 image stabilized binoculars are a really good choice if you are an avid bird watcher, stargazer, hunter, or just want to use them to view something far away without any shaking.

A Short Review of the Canon 10x30 IS Binoculars

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